

Cat Water Fountains

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Showing 1 - 2 of 2 products
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All For Paws Lifestyle 4 Pets Large Particle Replacement Filter 6-Pack - Zach's Pet ShopAll For Paws Lifestyle 4 Pets Large Particle Replacement Filter 6-Pack - Zach's Pet Shop
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Pioneer Filters For Cruiser Fountain - 3 Pack #3032 - Zach's Pet Shop

Do Cats Prefer Bowls or Fountains?

Felines are instinctively drawn to running water, which is why cats are obsessed with water from faucets. Cats perceive running water from a fountain as fresher than water in a bowl. They are particularly discerning about the cleanliness of their water source, and a bowl can become contaminated with dirt, dust, or even their fur, dissuading them away from drinking.

Do Vets Recommend Water Fountains for Cats?

Vets often encourage increasing a cat’s water intake, as they have observed greater results from using a water fountain compared to a standard bowl. Cats naturally prefer moving water because in the wild, where cats still follow their instincts, only moving water is considered safe. Still water is often stagnant, filled with bacteria, and can be harmful. Cats are instinctively aware of this. Water fountains offer several benefits, including Flowing Water Mimicry, Fresher and Cleaner Water, Comfort and Stimulation, Increased Water Intake and Less Whisker Stress.

How Often do you Wash a Cat's Water Fountain?

The frequency of washing a cat's water fountain depends on factors such as the type of fountain, the number of cats using it, and the quality of the water. However, it's advisable to clean and wash a cat's water fountain at least once every 1-2 weeks. Use warm water and mild soap to clean each part of the fountain individually. Regularly replacing the filters ensures clean water by removing impurities like hair, dirt, and chlorine. Depending on the type of filters used, you may need to replace them monthly.

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