Easy Steps on How to House Train a Puppy - Zach's Pet Shop

Learning how to house train a puppy can feel like a bit of a challenge. Getting a new puppy is an exciting and rewarding experience, but it also comes with the responsibility of teaching them good habits from the start.

House training a puppy doesn't have to be a daunting task. By being patient, consistent, and using positive reinforcement, you'll set the foundation for a well-behaved and happy puppy. 

In this blog, we'll walk you through the general training techniques of how to house train a puppy, to help both you and your puppy navigate the training journey successfully.

Table Of Contents:

Establish a Routine

Making house training easier starts with establishing a routine. Puppies, like us humans, thrive on predictability and consistency.

This can make the general training process significantly easier for both you and your furry friend.

Feeding Schedule

A regular feeding schedule is crucial as it helps regulate digestion and makes potty timing more predictable.

The general consensus among experts suggests that puppies should be fed three times daily initially, gradually reducing to two meals per day as they grow into an adult dog.

If you're going to be away from your pup, an automatic dog feeder is recommended.

Potty Breaks

The second part of the equation involves frequent potty breaks - ideally every couple of hours or so, plus immediately after meals and naps.

Puppies can't hold their bladder for long, so it's also essential to take them out just before bedtime at night and first thing when they wake.

Scheduled Playtime

In addition to meal times and bathroom breaks, scheduling playtimes throughout each day is vital too.

Regular physical activity not only keeps your pup healthy but also aids in burning off excess energy, which could otherwise lead to destructive behaviours.

Remember: Consistency is key when training your puppy as it makes training more effective and helps reinforce desired behaviours. 

Maintaining Indoor Vigilance

If constant monitoring seems overwhelming due to other commitments or simply because puppies can't stay still for too long without exploring everything within reach - don't push yourself into exhaustion.

Consider using baby gates or playpens indoors so they're restricted yet not completely isolated from family activities.

This method ensures easy supervision while providing enough space for exploration under watchful eyes, ensuring reinforcing good behaviour continues even inside home boundaries.

Ian's Tip: 

Keep a keen eye on your new pup, they're like cheeky toddlers and can't hold their bladder for long. Watch out for signs they need to go - circling or scratching doors are dead giveaways. Regular potty breaks help establish routine, making house training easier over time.

Step by Step Guide to Toilet Training

Toilet training, also known as potty training, is an important step in raising a puppy. Follow this step-by-step guide to toilet train your puppy successfully:

1. Choose a Designated Potty Area

Pick a specific spot in your yard where you want your puppy to do their business. If you are using an indoor pee mat keep this in a consistent place. Take them to this area every time they need to go.

Puppies often feel vulnerable when they are doing their business - so ensuring privacy is important too. Try avoiding high-traffic areas where sudden noises or other animals may interrupt them.

 2. Watch for Signs 

Pay close attention to your puppy's behaviour. Signs that they might need to go include sniffing, whining, or circling before squatting. When you notice any of these signs, take them to the designated toilet area immediately.

 3. Use Positive Reinforcement

Praise and reward your puppy every time they eliminate in the designated potty area. Give treats but remember to also provide verbal praise and affection so your puppy associates the correct action with a reward.

 4. Supervise and Limit Freedom

Keep your puppy under constant supervision when indoors until your puppy is fully toilet trained. Use baby gates or a crate to limit their access to other areas of the house.

 5. Consistent Timing

Take your puppy outside first thing in the morning, after meals, play sessions, and before bedtime. This way your puppy learns to associate the outside environment with the appropriate place to relieve themselves.

 6. Create a Cue

Use a specific word or phrase like "go potty" when you take your puppy outside or to the designated potty area. When your dog hears this cue they will learn to associate it with the desired action.

Top Tips:

Handle Accidents Calmly

Accidents are bound to happen during the training process. If your puppy has an accident indoors, it is important not to punish your puppy, as the puppy doesn't understand what it has done wrong and may become anxious or confused by the negative reaction. Instead, clean up the mess promptly and focus on preventing future accidents.

Gradually Extend Freedom

 As your puppy becomes more reliable in their toilet habits, gradually increase their access to other areas of the house under supervision.

Step by Step Guide to Toilet Training

Crate Training

Crate training is a proven and reliable method for house training your puppy. It not only promotes good behaviour and provides a safe space for the puppy, but also lays the foundation for a well-adjusted and content adult dog.

First off, you'll need an appropriately sized crate where your pup can comfortably stand up and turn around without feeling cramped or confined.

Introduce the crate gradually as a safe and comfortable place for your puppy. Place soft bedding and toys inside to make it inviting.

Leave the crate door open initially to allow your puppy to explore inside. Give treats when they willingly enter but remember to also provide verbal praise, reinforcing good behaviour so your puppy associates the crate with a positive experience.

Gradually increase the amount of time your puppy spends in the crate and make sure to regularly take them out for toilet breaks.

Dog's do not like to toilet near where they eat or sleep. By using the crate as a tool for potty training, the puppy learns to hold their needs until taken outside. 

The use of a crate also helps establish a consistent routine, as the puppy learns to associate the crate with a designated resting and sleeping area. 

Overall, crate training serves as a foundation for house training success and contributes to the development of a well-behaved and happy adult dog.

Ian's Tip: 

House training your pup isn't always a walk in the park. It's about being patient and consistent. Remember to establish a routine, use positive reinforcement, and limit their access around the house while they're still learning.

FAQs in Relation to How to House Train a Puppy

What is the fastest way to house train a puppy?

When training a new puppy, the quickest method is to establish routine and utilise puppy positive reinforcement techniques to reward good behaviour and encourage learning in a fun way. Crate training can also speed up the process.

How long should it take to house train a puppy?

It takes on average 4-6 months for a puppy to be fully house trained. However, some pups may need up to one year.

How do you stop a puppy from peeing and pooping in the house?

Start toilet training early, maintain consistency and supervise them indoors. Use an enzymatic cleaner for accidents. 

Can an 8-week-old puppy be potty trained?

An 8-week-old pup can start learning basic potty habits, but full control over bladder function typically develops around six months of age.

Ian's Wrap

Learning how to house train a puppy is an important aspect of responsible pet ownership, and by following these simple yet effective steps, you're well on your way to success.

Remember that routine and patience are key throughout the training process. Every puppy is unique, and some may learn faster than others, but with dedication and positive reinforcement, your pup will master the art of house training. 

As you embark on this journey of house training, always keep in mind that your puppy is relying on you for guidance and care.

Celebrate each small victory and be kind to yourself and your puppy along the way!

If you're looking for more pet care tips or need some supplies for your new puppy friend, check out Zach's Pet Shop's range of puppy toys, treatsapparel and grooming supplies.



Pet Expert - Ian Hamblin

About Ian

Ian Hamblin is a renowned pet enthusiast and the driving force behind Zach's Pet Shop, a trusted name in the Australian pet industry.

With an impressive track record of nearly 15 years, Ian has been supplying high-quality pet products to Australians, earning their trust and loyalty.

DogEasyGuideHappyHealthyHouseHouse trainHow toPuppyStepsTipsTrain

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