Drool Calm and Collected: Natural Stress Relief for Dogs - Zach's Pet Shop

In today's fast-paced world, many pet owners struggle to keep their furry friends calm. But what if there was a tasty solution to help soothe your dog's nerves? Enter Drool Calm and Collected - a revolutionary treat designed to promote relaxation in our canine companions.

 With his expertise, celebrity vet Dr. Chris Brown developed his brand Drool to provide nutritious dog treats that target specific health concerns.

As a dog owner myself, I've seen firsthand how anxiety can impact my two Cavoodles. Whether it's thunderstorms, fireworks or simply a change in routine, dogs can experience stress just like humans.

My ears perked up the moment I learned about Dr. Chris' new treat range. With Drool Calm and Collected, you can give your dog the gift of calmness and minimise excessive barking for your own relaxation.

Table Of Contents:

Understanding Drool Calm and Collected 

Created by Australian veterinarian Dr. Chris Brown, Calm and Collected treat balls are more than just your average dog treat. They are crafted to promote relaxation in dogs dealing with everyday life stressors.

So what makes these calming aids stand out in a crowded market? Uncovering the scientific magic behind these treats reveals a surprising wealth of benefits for our beloved pets.       

From temperament to personality, every aspect of Dr Chris Brown Calm and Collected dog treats has been carefully crafted to support our pets' emotional health – and that's what sets them apart.

Power of Natural Ingredients

One of the key features of Drool Calm and Collected treats is their use of natural, calming ingredients. Each Calm and Collected Salmon treat contains a carefully selected blend of: 

  • Chamomile: A herb famous for promoting sleepiness in both humans and animals.
  • Tryptophan: An amino acid that can promote relaxation.
  • Colostrum: Rich in nutrients that support overall well-being.
  • L-theanine: An amino acid found in green tea that may reduce anxiety.

These natural compounds can have a positive impact on canine behaviour and stress levels. With Drool Calm and Collected natural treats, you can provide your furry friend with the natural support they need to stay balanced and composed. 

A Treat With a Purpose 

 Dr Chris Brown created Drool treats to target specific health or behavioural concerns. Using all-natural ingredients, these dog treats help pups (and their owners) feel better.

Dr Chris Brown has a great range. Drool Teeth and Breath dental treats are another popular seller, containing 4 active ingredients that work to clean your dog's teeth and freshen their breath as they chew.

All Drool branded treats are made in Australia, creating jobs and supporting our economy. Each treat is a fun, irregular shape, adding some bonus excitement for your dog.

Drool by Dr Chris Brown Calm and Collected

When to Use Drool Calm and Collected

While these treats can be beneficial for many dogs, they're particularly useful in certain situations. Here are some common scenarios where Calm and Collected might come in handy: 

Everyday Stressors

Life can be unpredictable, and our dogs often pick up on our stress. Common everyday activities that can stress out dogs include guests visiting your house, changes in daily routines, overstimulation, negative interactions with other dogs, lack of personal space and changes in temperature.

Travel and New Environments

Many dogs experience anxiety when travelling or visiting new places. This includes trips to a new park, visiting the vet or groomer, or walking in an area they've never visited before.

Many dogs get nervous when travelling in cars too. 

Loud Noises

Many dogs are scared of loud noises. This includes thunderstorms, fireworks, motorbikes, vacuuming and loud music. Feeding your dog a calming treat shortly before a predicted loud noise (such as scheduled fireworks) can help them feel more at ease.

Separation Anxiety

Many dogs struggle when left home alone, especially for extended periods. This problem has become more common, as more dogs now live indoors and are treated as members of the family.

How to Incorporate Drool Calm and Collected into Your Dog's Routine

While these treats can be a valuable tool for managing your dog's stress, it's important to use them correctly. Here are some tips for getting the most out of Drool Calm and Collected:

Start Slowly

As with any dog food, it's best to introduce Calm and Collected treats gradually. Start with small pieces and observe how your dog responds. 

Use Consistently

For best results, try to incorporate these treats into your dog's routine. Feeding your dog these treats regularly can help increase their overall sense of calmness.

However, all Drool treats are designed for occasional or supplemental feeding only. They are not recommended for daily consumption and should be fed alongside a balanced diet.

Pair with Positive Experiences

Offer the treats during enjoyable activities to create positive associations. This could be during cuddle time or gentle play sessions. By associating the treats with positive experiences, they will be more appealing to your dog and therefore more effective. 

Don't Rely Solely on Treats

While Calm and Collected treats can be helpful, they should be used in conjunction with other stress-management techniques like regular exercise, mental stimulation, dog training and a consistent routine.  

Get to the root of your dog's stress and you'll likely find it's not just about temperament, but about needs not being met – maybe they're cooped up too long or lack stimulating activities. 

Labrador dog panting outdoors

A Closer Look at the Ingredients 

Let's delve deeper into the key ingredients that make Dr. Chris Brown's Calm and Collected Salmon so effective: 

Ingredient Benefits
Chamomile Natural sedative properties, may reduce anxiety and promote relaxation.
Tryptophan Precursor to serotonin, which can improve mood and reduce stress.
Colostrum Rich in antibodies and growth factors, supports overall health and immune function.
L-theanine Promotes relaxation without drowsiness, may reduce anxiety and improve focus.


With these ingredients on board, your dog can finally relax and handle those nerve-wracking situations that once seemed insurmountable.

The Importance of a Holistic Approach

While Drool Calm and Collected can be a valuable tool in managing your dog's stress, it's important to remember that they're just one piece of the puzzle. A holistic approach to canine well-being includes:

Regular Exercise

Physical activity is crucial for both mental and physical health. Boost your dog's happiness with regular outdoor adventures - it's a surefire way to work off extra energy and calm their minds.

Mental Stimulation

Boredom can lead to anxiety and destructive behaviours. Use a puzzle toy or engage your dog in a brain-stimulating training session to keep their mind razor-sharp and stress at bay.

Consistent Routine

Dogs thrive on predictability. With a reliable rhythm to your day - think meals at the same time, daily walks and a consistent bedtime - anxiety's grip begins to loosen. 

Safe Space

Provide your dog with a quiet, comfortable area where they can retreat when feeling overwhelmed. This could be a crate, a bed in a quiet corner, or even a designated room.

Professional Support

If your dog's anxiety is severe or persistent, don't hesitate to consult with a veterinarian or certified animal behaviourist. In many cases, they'll be able to offer one-on-one advice and recommend training as needed.

Dog stressed and barking while on a walk

Ian's Wrap

In a world full of stressors, helping our dogs stay calm is more important than ever. While Drool by Dr. Chris Brown Calm and Collected dog treats aren't a magic solution, they can be a valuable tool in your pet care arsenal. Focus on holistic wellness, then toss in these tasty treats – the result is a more-centred, fulfilled pup that's thrilled to have you as their best friend. 

Remember, every dog is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Always consult with your veterinarian before introducing new supplements or making significant changes to your dog's routine.

To help your furry friend conquer life's obstacles, just arm yourself with Drool Calm and Collected and a whole lot of patience. With these in your arsenal, your dog will triumph over challenges with conviction.


Pet Expert - Ian Hamblin

About Ian

Ian Hamblin is a renowned pet enthusiast and the driving force behind Zach's Pet Shop, a trusted name in the Australian pet industry.
With an impressive track record of nearly 15 years, Ian has been supplying high-quality pet products to Australians, earning their trust and loyalty.
Calm and collectedDogDog treatsDrool by dr. chris brown

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